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Cappella Mariana & Instrumenta Musica

#Renaissance #Acappella #8Künstler


Barbora Kabatkova - Sopran | Friederike Otto - Zink

Vojtech Semerad - Tenor | Christoph Scheerer - Posaune

Tomás Lajtkep - Tenor | Ercole Nisini - Posaune

Jaromír Nosek - Bass | 
Nora Hansen - Dulzian

Konzertprogramm 1. "L’Homme Armé – Musik von Krieg, Trauer und Hoffnung"


„Den Mann in Waffen muss man fürchten.“ – Davon können betroffene Menschen in den Kriegs- und Krisengebieten unserer Tage ein Lied singen; davon haben die Menschen schon vor einem halben Jahrtausend ein Lied gesungen, ein Lied das zum Gassenhauer wurde, das mit seiner einprägsamen Melodik die Spatzen von den Dächern gepfiffen haben und das Eingang in zahlreiche Kompositionen vieler Musiker dieser Zeit gefunden hat, über einen Zeitraum von mehr als 200 Jahren – zeitlose Musik zu einem leider zeitlosen Thema. Auch vom seinerzeit und darüber hinaus angesehensten Komponisten – Josquin des Prez – sind gleich zwei Parodiemessen über diese Melodie überliefert. Die eine davon stellt das Gerüst zu diesem Konzertprogramm, in das thematisch passende Stücke über Trauer, Schmerz und Abschied, aber auch Trost und Hoffnung eingeflochten sind.




Konzertprogramm 2. "Heinrich Isaac – Musik für Mächtige und Machtlose"


Heinrich Isaac (1450-1517) galt und gilt als einer der profiliertesten Musiker seiner Zeit. Er war Europäer durch und durch. Geboren vermutlich in Flandern waren es nicht erst die Reisen der kaiserlichen Hofkapelle, die seine Anwesenheit vielen Städten des Heiligen Römischen Reiches bescherten. Eine Aufzählung nur der wichtigsten Orte seines Wirkens liest sich wie die Europatournee eines heutigen Popstars: Innsbruck, Florenz, Rom, Ferrara, Wien, Konstanz, Augsburg, Nürnberg, … Dem entspricht, dass auch seine Musik ganz europäisch ist und Heinrich Isaac Beiträge zu vielen Gattungen seiner Zeit in vier Sprachen hinterlassen hat.

Unser Programm bildet einen großen Teil dieses Spektrum ab, von der Messe über geistliche und säkulare Motetten hin zu den weltlichen Gattungen der französischen Chanson sowie italienischen und deutschen Liedern, darunter wiederum geistliche Lieder des vorreformatorischen Zeitalters.





Cappella Mariana - Vojtech Semerad


Cappella Mariana is a vocal ensemble specializing in medieval and renaissance polyphony and the vocal repertoire of Early Baroque.

The performances of Capella Mariana have met with enthusiastic reception from the public and critics alike, the latter highlighting the ensemble’s expressive performance based on close attention paid to the text.

Cappella Mariana was founded in 2008 as one of the few local ensembles focussing on the interpretation of high vocal polyphony, especially from Italian, Flemish, and English Renaissance. The ensemble is an artistic guarantor of the concert cycle Lenten Fridays which aims to revive the historical tradition of musical performances held at the Monastery of the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star.

The members of the ensemble are internationally renowned vocal artists who regularly collaborate also with ensemble Collegium Marianum and are frequent guests at some of the foremost European and world music scenes (e.g. Oude Muziek Utrecht, MAfestival Bruges, Tage Alter Musik Regensburg, Bachfest Leipzig, Prague Spring, and Mitte Europa). They specialize in the interpretation of baroque and pre-romantic music and have appeared in concert venues in the Czech Republic and abroad with ensembles such as Bach Collegium Japan, Collegium Vocale Gent, Vox Luminis, Huelgas Ensemble, or Tiburtina Ensemble.

In 2012 the ensemble published its first CD, Sacrum et Profanum. In 2014 Cappella Mariana participated in the celebrations of the Year of Czech Music, publishing second CD Praga Magna with repertory of the court of Rudolf II, performing at the important European festivals and recording its concert performances for the Czech Radio.

Nowadays the ensemble is regular guest of festivals like Oude Muziek Utrecht, Laus Polyphoniae Antwerp, Arte Sacro Madrid and is preparing new CD discovering important bohemian manuscript Codex Specialnik.

The ensemble works under the artistic direction of VojtÄ›ch Semerád, a graduate of Charles University, Prague, and Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris who further pursues his interest in vocal polyphony and researches in the area of 15th- and 16th-century music of Central-European provenience.



Instrumenta Musica - Ercole Nisini


INSTRUMENTA MUSICA is dedicated to the performance of instrumental music – from small dance movements and instrumental polyphony to large-scale sacred and secular music from the late Renaissance to the High Baroque period. Founded in 2004 by students of the Institute of Early Music at the Trossingen University of Music, the creative and sensitive ensemble, under the direction of Ercole Nisini, has been captivating audiences soloistically or in collaboration with renowned vocal ensembles.

Instrumenta Musica has a special relationship with the Frauenkirche Dresden. Since its consecration in 2005, there has been regular collaboration with Frauenkirchenkantor Matthias Grünert and the Chamber Choir of the Frauenkirche. During this collaboration, joint CDs have been released for the labels SONY and Rondeau.

Instrumenta Musica has repeatedly been a valued partner of other renowned vocal ensembles such as Ensemble Officium, the Saxon Vocal Ensemble, or Ensemble Polyharmonique. Collaborative projects also include director Tom Quaas and the pantomime duo Bodecker & Neander.

Instrumenta Musica is a welcome guest at festivals such as the Lower Saxony Music Days, the Black Forest Music Festival, the Skálholt Summer Concerts (Iceland), the Heinrich Schütz Music Festival, the Brandenburg Summer Concerts, the WDR Funkhaus Concerts, the Regensburg Days of Early Music, the Varazdin Baroque Evenings, the Batzdorf Whitsun Festival, the Klosterstiftung Michaelstein, Prague Festivities of Early Music, or the Silbermann Organ Days in Freiberg. In 2008, the ensemble released its first CD "Sacrarum Cantionum, Italian Sacred and Instrumental Music by Carlo Filago and Giovanni Battista Riccio" with vocal soloists Constanze Backes, Gerlinde Sämann, Hermann Oswald, and Markus Flaig for the RAMÉE label (Outhere).

In addition, there are a total of 9 CD productions for other labels such as Querstand, Christophorus, Carus, Rondeau, and SONY. Concert recordings and interviews for WDR, SFR (Switzerland), Radio 3 (Italy), and Deutschlandradio further document the ensemble's activities.


ERCOLE NISINI's musical world knows no stylistic boundaries. He takes his fascination for Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical music, for the original sources of music history, and for theater as inspiration for translating them into musical concepts and concert programs that aim to delight the senses of modern audiences. These projects are realized thanks to his ensemble INSTRUMENTA MUSICA, with outstanding and creative musicians, sensitive artists and actors, vocal ensembles, his trombone, sheet music, and the conductor's stand.

As a soloist and ensemble leader, Ercole Nisini has been seen and heard, among others, at the Frauenkirche Dresden, Brandenburg Summer Concerts, Regensburg Days of Early Music, Skálholt Summer Concerts (Iceland), H. Schütz Music Festival, Tabor’s Triptych (Czech Republic), WDR Funkhaus Concerts, Fortepianarum Katowitz (Poland), Klosterstiftung Michaelstein, Varazdin Baroque Evenings (Croatia), Batzdorf Whitsun Festival, Prague Festivities of Early Music, Silbermann Organ Days in Freiberg.Since 2007, Ercole has been devoted to performing with historical instruments. Concerts, CD recordings, and radio recordings in Europe with orchestras and ensembles such as La Petite Bande, Orchestre des Champs Elysées, Hannoversche Hofkapelle, L’Arpa festante, L’Orfeo Barockorchester, Cappella Leopoldina Graz, Capriccio Stravagente, Musica Fiata, Capella de la Torre, Musica Antiqua Austria, Marini Consort Innsbruck, Weser Renaissance Bremen, Cappella Sagittariana, United Continuo Ensemble, and Il Girardino Armonico have enriched his experiences.​

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